

Review and Suggestions of the National Compulsory Tree-planting Movement

  • 摘要: 1981 年邓小平同志倡导的全民义务植树运动冶在中国实施了三十多年,不仅增加了国土绿化面积,改善了 生态环境,而且提高了公民的生态环保意识,培养了爱绿护绿的社会风气。但是近十年来,义务植树运动越来越难 以组织开展,常常流于形式。其根本原因在于义务植树法规没有与时俱进,尤其是法规中规定的植树义务的强制 性,与当前的经济、生态形势非常不和谐,应该废止。建议用志愿代替强制,取消每人每年植树3 至5 株的规定,让 义务植树成为公民自愿参与的公益劳动。同时,建议中央政府只出台指导性的意见,把具体实施决定权充分下放 给各省、市、自治区,由各地根据自己的特色制订相应的制度。


    Abstract: The national compulsory tree-planting movement, advocated by DENG Xiao-ping in 1981, has been carried out for more than 30 years. It has not only increased greening space and improved the ecological environment, but also promoted citizens'consciousness of ecological environmental protection, cultivated the social conduct of loving green and guarding green. But in recent ten years, the movement is more and more difficult to organize and carry out, and often becomes a mere formality. The main reason is that the law is still the same while the political, economic, and social circumstances have changed sharply. Especially the enforceability in the law is not harmonious with current economic and ecological situations. The compulsory part of the law should be repealed and replaced by volunteer. The provision that each person should plant 3 to 5 trees per year should be repealed too. The compulsory tree-planting can be insteaded by citizens'voluntary labor. The authors suggest that the central government can only issue guiding opinions, and transfer the decision power of how to implement concretely to the provinces, cities and autonomous regions according to their own situations.


