

An Elegant Essay on Eco-feminism: Desire and Nature in The Company of Wolves

  • 摘要: 英国女作家安杰拉·卡特通过戏仿经典童话《小红帽》创作出了短篇小说《与狼为伴》,探索了男性、女性和自然之间的交互关系,呼应了正在兴起的生态女性主义思潮, 成为一篇颇具特色的温馨小品。小说颠覆了父权文化和人类中心主义赖以建立的二元对立体系,指出男性和女性都是该体系的受害者。小说进一步展现了女性欲望自身的解放及其对男性欲望的解放,并揭示了这种解放所带来的人类与自然之间关系的平衡,描绘出了一幅生态文明世界的美好图景。


    Abstract: The Company of Wolves is a story of parody by Angela Carter, one of the most celebrated feminist English writers in the 20th Century, on the fairy tale classic The Little Red Riding Hood. It explores profoundly the complicated relations between men, women and nature, rightly resonating with the theories of the rising eco-feminism by criticizing the oppression of patriarchal culture and anthropocentrism on women and nature. However, its perspective being much larger than simply destructing the andro-centric dualism between men and women on which the patriarchal culture is based, the story reveals with a hopeful foresight that both men and women are victims of such a dualistic structure. It also believes that the liberation of female desire and the liberation of male desire by female desire will produce harmony and balance between human beings and nature, and the bright future of an ecological civilization lies right in this harmony and balance.


