
S. Pinker的生物语言学思想评析

Reflections on Steven Pinker’s Biolinguistic Perspective

  • 摘要: 生物语言学是目前国际上语言学研究的热点。Steven Pinker提出“语言本能”的观点,认为人类语言具有生物学属性,语言官能是一个为了满足交际需求、通过自然选择进化的适应性系统。人类语言自身是大脑中一个独立的认知模块,普遍语法存在于人类的语法基因中并具有遗传性。Pinker的观点得到了遗传学证据和现代技术手段的证明,语言学研究必然是生物学研究的一个分支领域。从生物学角度出发的语言研究能更好地回答语言知识是如何构建、习得、使用、进化的,并最终为揭示心智/大脑的本质提供可能。


    Abstract: Biolinguistics is a new trend of linguistic research. As a leading researcher in biolinguistic studies, Steven Pinker proposes the concept of the “language instinct” and studies the biological properties of human languages. The language faculty has evolved gradually in response to the adaptive value of communication. There exists an independent language module in the human brain, and universal grammar is encoded in human genes and possesses the genetic properties. What Pinker has proposed gains support from genetic research and modern techniques. In this sense, linguistic study is a sub-field of biological research. Biolinguistic research could offer a promising solution to the question of construction, acquisition, usage and evolution of language; ultimately we may probe into the nature of human mind/brain.


