

李明阳, 刘敏, 刘米兰

李明阳, 刘敏, 刘米兰. 森林文化的发展动力与发展方向[J]. 北京林业大学学报(社会科学版), 2011, 10(1): 17-21.
引用本文: 李明阳, 刘敏, 刘米兰. 森林文化的发展动力与发展方向[J]. 北京林业大学学报(社会科学版), 2011, 10(1): 17-21.
LI Ming-yang, LIU Min, LIU Mi-lan. Motive Mechanism and Future Development Direction of Forest Culture[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University (Social Science), 2011, 10(1): 17-21.
Citation: LI Ming-yang, LIU Min, LIU Mi-lan. Motive Mechanism and Future Development Direction of Forest Culture[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University (Social Science), 2011, 10(1): 17-21.


Motive Mechanism and Future Development Direction of Forest Culture

  • 摘要: 人的物质和精神需求是森林文化发展的原动力,人与自然的关系是森林文化发展的次生动力,科技教育是森林文化发展的催化剂。在众多因素的共同作用下,森林文化经历了原始森林文化、农耕森林文化、工业森林文化3个阶段。城市化进程的加速和林业建设重心的转移,使森林文化主体的组成和对客体的需求发生了重大的转变,推动了森林文化的发展,与生态文化和城市文化相结合的城市森林文化将成为我国森林文化发展的主流方向。与此同时,森林宗教文化将伴随主流森林文化长期存在,而具有地方特色的民俗森林文化将逐渐衰亡。
    Abstract: Material and spiritual demands of human being are initial driving powers for the development of forest culture, the relationship between mankind and nature is the secondary driving power, and technology and education play the role of catalyst. Under the incorporated influence of multiple variables, forest culture has experienced three evolution stages of primitive culture period, agricultural cultivation period and industrial exploitation period. With the development of urbanization and strategy shift of forestry construction, the subject components and demands on object of forest culture have dramatically changed, which drives forest culture to evolve. Urban forest culture, which is combined with ecological culture and urban culture, will become dominant development direction of forest culture. Forest religious culture will co-exist with the mainstream of forest culture for a long time, while indigenous folk forest culture will die out.
  • 期刊类型引用(14)

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  • 发布日期:  2011-03-29



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