

Review on Evaluation of Ecosystem Services Value

  • 摘要: 生态系统服务是人类可持续发展的物质基础和自然资本。对生态系统服务价值的评估有利于人们认识自然生态系统对人类福利的重要性,是生态学、地理学等自然科学利用经济学方法进一步影响社会决策的尝试。但由于生态系统的复杂性和经济系统对生态系统服务反映的模糊性,目前尚难准确评估生态系统服务价值。多尺度综合研究与动态参与式评估、物产价值与非物质性服务价值的分离研究、对边际价值的调查与模拟研究、与生态补偿等相关领域的结合研究、非物质性服务价值的市场化研究等是生态系统服务价值评估研究的深化方向。


    Abstract: Ecosystem services is the material base and natural capital of human sustainable development. Evaluating the ecosystem services value is helpful to realize the importance of natural ecosystem to human welfare. However, it is difficulty to evaluate the ecosystem services value accurately because of complexity of ecosystem, fuzziness of reactions of economic system to ecosystem, and limitations of value research. It should be studied in some deep-going ways such as multi-scale comprehensive research and dynamic participation evaluation, separation research of product value and non-material services value, investigation and simulation of marginal value, interdisciplinary studies on ecological compensation, and the market-oriented research on non-material service value.


