

Competitiveness Analysis of Furniture Industry Cluster in Guangdong Province Based on GEM Model

  • 摘要: 广东家具产业在我国家具领域占据举足轻重的地位。产业集群已成为推动广东家具产业快速发展的重要因素,产业集群竞争力的培育成为广东家具产业获得国际竞争力的关键。以加拿大学者Tim Padmore和Hervey Gibon提出的基础-企业-市场模型为基本分析框架,在实地调查的基础上,对广东家具产业集群竞争力分别进行了总体和单因素实证分析及评价,认为广东家具产业集群虽然具有一定的竞争优势,但距离在国内独一无二的优势尚有较大差距,并针对广东家具产业集群存在的主要问题提出了相关建议。


    Abstract: Furniture industry in Guangdong province plays a key role in Chinese furniture industry. Industry cluster has become an important driving force to the rapid development of furniture industry in Guangdong. Fostering competitiveness of industry cluster is the key point to acquire international competitiveness. Using the framework of Grounding-Enterprises-Markets (GEM) model proposed by Tim Padmore and Hervey Gibson of Canada, this paper analyzes and evaluates the competitiveness of Guangdong province furniture industry from aspects of general and single factor based on investigation. Results show that Guangdong province furniture industry cluster still has a big gap to take the leading place in China. Relevant suggestions are put forward.


