

Characteristics, Causes and Prevention of Forestry Crime of Malfeasance

  • 摘要: 做好林业渎职犯罪预防工作是林业主管部门的重要职责。通过对北京市、湖南省、广东省、云南省等地的重点调研,总结了全国林业渎职犯罪的基本特点和成因。应加强对预防林业渎职犯罪工作的领导,健全和完善林业行政执法机制以及执法监督机制,进一步理顺林业行政管理体制,加强科学民主决策,有效预防林业渎职犯罪的发生。


    Abstract: Preventing forestry crime of malfeasance is an important duty of forestry administrative departments at all levels. Investigation conducted in Beijing, Hunan, Guangdong and Yunnan provinces shows the characteristics and causes of forestry crime of malfeasance. To prevent the forestry crime of malfeasance effectively in China, we should strengthen the leadership, perfect the mechanism of enforcement and supervision of forestry laws, make the forest administrative system running smoothly, and take scientific and democratic decisionmaking procedures.


