

Empirical Analysis on Internal Motivation of Furniture Industry Cluster Based on Provinces

  • 摘要: 借鉴前人研究成果,确认影响家具产业集聚的内部驱动因子主要包括产业规模经济、需求增长、产业外部经济、产业经营水平和交通水平5类因子。选取家具产业GINI系数、HHI指数作为因变量,采集1989—2008年全国31个省、市或自治区的家具产业的相关数据,对相关变量进行了平稳性检验,采用逐步回归方法,进行了多元回归分析。结论表明:目前我国家具产业集聚主要是由低级的生产要素驱动。产业规模经济因子、需求增长因子不仅对家具产业生产规模的集聚有正向驱动作用,且对就业与企业数量规模的集聚水平也表现出一定的正向驱动,但驱动作用有限;交通水平因子则有较弱的正向驱动作用,表明由省际间的交通差异导致的家具产业集聚趋弱;产业外部经济因子中的工资水平变量,已显现出离散作用;家具产业经营水平等高级生产要素对就业与企业数量规模的集聚有较强的正向作用,但对生产规模的集聚则呈现出较强的离散力,说明家具产业具有明显的劳动密集型特征,将导致家具产业省级区域集聚的反向更替的进程。集聚区域内家具产业升级势在必行。


    Abstract: Using predecessor’ research results for reference, this paper confirms that the internal motivation factors of furniture industry cluster mainly include five factors, i.e. scale economy, demand growth, external economy, industrial management level and traffic level. Taking GINI coefficient and HerfindahlHirschman index as dependent variables, collecting relevant data of furniture industry in 31Chinese provincial regions from 1989 to 2008, the paper makes a stationary test of relevant variables. Multiple regression and correlation analysis is done through the stepwise return method. Results show that preliminary element of production is the mainly motivation factor of present furniture industry cluster. The scale economy factor and demand growth factor have positive driving function not only to the production scale of furniture industry but also to the employment and enterprise quantity. But the function is limited. The traffic level factor has the weak driving function, which indicates that the furniture industry cluster because of differences in provinces is dropping. The wage variable in the external economy factor has appeared the separate strength. Highlevel production elements, for example industrial management level, play a weak positive function on the employment and enterprise quantity, but take a strong separate strength to the production scale cluster. It indicates that furniture industry has apparent laborintensive characteristics, which will cause the reverse change of furniture industrial cluster in provinces. Upgrade furniture industries is inevitable and necessary in the cluster areas.


