

Public Relations in Ecological Crisis Management

  • 摘要: 今日社会生态危机频发,其危害直接影响到企业的生存、发展,影响到政府的形象和公信力,也影响到相关公众的切身利益。通过对生态危机管理中公共关系原则﹑方法﹑技巧运用的分析,剖析解读松花江水污染﹑首钢搬出北京﹑黑龙江森林大火几个典型案例,进而对中国生态危机公关现状的得与失进行大致评判。


    Abstract: Ecological crisis occurred frequently not only directly affects the survival and development of enterprises, the image and credibility of government, but also the vital interests of relevant public nowadays. By analyzing the principles, methods, skills of public relations in ecological crisis management, this paper interpret typical cases such as the water pollution in Songhua River, the move of Capital Steel Company, the forest fires in Heilongjiang province. Then, present status of public relations in ecological crisis management in China is evaluated.


