Forest was in its full bloom period in northeast area in China before the middle Qing Dynasty because the Qing government forbade people entering into this area. From Daoguang(道光) to Guangxu(光绪)period, the forest was destroyed in varying degrees. On one hand, with the Qing government at that period lifting the ban of forbidding people entering into the area, a large number of immigrants swarmed into the northeast area, and acres of forest land were reclaimed into farmland. On the other hand, with the Japanese and Russian coming into the area, cutting forest to build railway, forest resources were depredated in this period. After Guangxu 31th, affected by the trend of saving the nation from extinction by developing industry, industry was highly developed in northeast china, and forest was treasured as an important part of industry. The government strengthened forestry management by taking administrative jurisdiction, establishing forestry companies and revamping forest treaty with Russia to forbid abusive felling of trees. In this period, the concept of forestry protection was strengthened and the government realized the importance of advanced technology for forestry development. Therefore, forestry schools and forest experimental stations were established by government around northeast China. As a special science, forestry education began to appear in early modern period in China.