
寻 找木 兰发现红花玉兰类群的科学意义

Searching for Mulan'(木兰) in China: Scientific Significance of Discovery of Redflower Magnolia(Magnolia wufengensis)Groups

  • 摘要: 中国古代文献中的木兰到底是植物分类学上木兰科中的哪一种植物,始终是一个悬而未决的问题。通过 实地调查研究和相关文献分析发现,木兰就是2006 年由北京林业大学马履一、湖北省林业局林木种苗管理总站 王罗荣等发现的红花玉兰类群,当时作为新发现种命名为红花玉兰(Magnolia wufengensis L. Y. Ma et L. R. Wang) 和多瓣红花玉兰新变种(M. wufengensis var. multitepala L. Y. Ma et L. R. Wang)。文献中记载的武当木兰(M. sprengeri Pampan. )只是其中多瓣红花玉兰的一个类型,可作为种以下的一个类型来处理。因此,红花玉兰的发现, 帮助我们确定了古代文献中的木兰。红花玉兰分布地域特异,类型多样,遗传丰富,用途广泛,价值巨大,是木兰 科中极具研究、保护和开发价值之一类群。


    Abstract: The question of which plant is Mulan'(木兰) in Magnoliaceae in Chinese history on earth has not been solved in science actually. Through field investigation and relative references analysis, we find thatMulan'is the Redflower Magnolia(Magnolia wufengensis) Groups,including a new species named Magnolia wufengensis L. Y. Ma et L. R. Wang'and a new variety named Magnolia wufengensis var. multitepala L. Y. Ma et L. R. Wang', which were found and named in 2006 by MA L-yi, professor of Beijing Forestry University, and WANG Luo-rong, from Hubei Provincial Forest Tree Seed and Seedling Administration Station. Wudang Mulan(武当木兰)(Magnolia sprengeri Pampan,)is a type of M. wufengensis var. multitepala and can be regard as a type below species. Therefore, the discovery of the Redflower Magnolia can help us to identify Mulan'in the ancient literature. The Redflower Magnolia is one of the most important groups in research, protection and development due to its specific area distribution, variety of types, genetic diversity, wide scope of usage and huge values.


