旅游安全是现代旅游业的生命线,旅游安全管理已成为我国森林公园重要的管理工作内容之一。以2002— 2011 年期间我国森林公园旅游安全事件为主要研究对象,根据森林公园旅游活动的一般特征,结合内容分析法构 建出含有6 个一级类目、50 个二级类目的森林公园旅游安全事件报道类目系统,进而对我国森林公园旅游安全事 件进行趋势分析;将森林公园旅游安全事件归纳为9 种形态类别,即犯罪类、火灾类、游览设施安全类、道路交通 类、意外事故类、疾病(中毒)类、自然灾害类、失踪迷路类和其他事故类等。在此基础上进行了事件特征研究,分别 从季节规律、昼夜规律、活动规律和年龄规律进行了事件发生规律分析,得出我国森林公园旅游安全的关键事件、 关键时间要素及解决方法等结论,并提出相关建议。
Safety is the lifeline of tourism industry. Tourism security has become one of the most important contents in forest parks management in China. Taking the tourism security incidents happened in forest parks in China from 2002 to 2011 as the main research object, this paper constructs an incident reporting system which contains six first level categories, 50 secondary categories according to the general features of tourism activities in forest parks. The authors analyze the trend of tourism security incidents in forest parks. The tourism security incidents in forest parks can be classified into nine categories, namely crime, fire, facility, traffic, accident, disease, natural disaster, missing or lost, and other incidents. The incidents characteristics are studied. The paper also analyzes the occurrence regularities from aspects of season, day or night, activity and age. Conclusions are summed about the key event and key time. Solutions and suggestions are given