

张毓雄, 姚顺波

张毓雄, 姚顺波. 民间竹文化的传承与竹产业的发展——基于“中国竹子之乡”湖南益阳的调查[J]. 北京林业大学学报(社会科学版), 2011, 10(4): 7-13.
引用本文: 张毓雄, 姚顺波. 民间竹文化的传承与竹产业的发展——基于“中国竹子之乡”湖南益阳的调查[J]. 北京林业大学学报(社会科学版), 2011, 10(4): 7-13.
ZHANG Yu-xiong, YAO Shun-bo. Inheritance of Bamboo Culture and Development of Bamboo Industry——Based on Yiyang District of Hunan Province, the Origin of Bamboo Culture in China[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University (Social Science), 2011, 10(4): 7-13.
Citation: ZHANG Yu-xiong, YAO Shun-bo. Inheritance of Bamboo Culture and Development of Bamboo Industry——Based on Yiyang District of Hunan Province, the Origin of Bamboo Culture in China[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University (Social Science), 2011, 10(4): 7-13.


Inheritance of Bamboo Culture and Development of Bamboo Industry——Based on Yiyang District of Hunan Province, the Origin of Bamboo Culture in China

  • 摘要: 对益阳农村民间有关竹文化的407份调查问卷进行分析后发现,竹不仅全面渗透到民间社会的餐饮、水利、建筑、交通、文具、乐器、竹产品等物质文化生活之中,而且已经积淀定格成为寿诞庆贺、祖灵祭奠、文学绘画、舒怀叙志的竹文化符号。由此,提出竹乡发展竹产业时要发挥民间竹文化基础性、特色性资源的作用,注重与民间竹文化的渗透、融合,倡导与所在地共享发展成果的经营模式等建议。
    Abstract: Analyzing 407 questionnaires about bamboo culture in Yiyang District, the authors find that bamboo has not only penetrated into the folk society,including food and drink, irrigation, architecture, traffic, writing materials, music instrument, but also became the symbol of celebration, memorial ceremony, literature, painting and expressing emotions. This paper put forwards suggestions to develop bamboo industry in Yiyang district, such as giving full play to the foundation role of bamboo culture, emphasizing the penetration and integration of bamboo industry with bamboo culture, and advocating the operating mode of sharing development achievements with local district.
  • 期刊类型引用(2)

    1. 周镕基,尹雨妍. 金融英语的文本翻译及教学应用研究——基于生态翻译学视角. 金融理论与教学. 2023(03): 107-110 . 百度学术
    2. 马秀兰. 概念整合理论视角下的金融英语词汇学习—以金融术语为例. 吉林工程技术师范学院学报. 2015(01): 56-58 . 百度学术


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  • 被引次数: 16
  • 发布日期:  2011-11-29



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