

Evolutionary Game Analysis of Relationship in Forestry Cooperation Organization: a Case Study of Corporation and Forestry Cooperation Organization and Farmer Model

  • 摘要: “公司+林业合作组织+林农”模式是集体林权制度改革后出现的一种重要的林业经营组织形式。为了研究公司和林农这两个利益主体行为的演化规律,运用演化博弈论中的复制动态方法,建立了公司和林农合作关系的复制动态模型,对影响其合作行为的一些因素,如双方的初始合作意愿、合作收益、合作成本进行了分析。最后,根据博弈模型的分析结果,分别从提高初始合作意愿、提高合作收益、降低合作成本等角度提出促进该模式中公司和林农合作关系稳定演化的建议。


    Abstract: Corporation and Forestry Cooperation Organization and Farmer model is an important forestry management form after the reform of collective forest property right system. Using method of evolutionary game theory, a replication dynamic model of the cooperation relationship between corporations and farmers is constructed in this paper. Evolutionary regulation of cooperation relationship of corporations and farmers is also analyzed. Results show that the cooperation will change evolutionary paths because of the change of both sides’ initial cooperation desire, cooperation benefit and cooperation cost. According to the analysis results, corresponding suggestions are put forward.


