Appraisal and Evaluation of Environmental Policy
摘要: 我国政府不断推出各类环境政策以解决当前日益恶化的环境质量问题。然而,如何预测及检验这些政策的实施效果,如何更为合理地制定或改进环境政策,都需要对环境政策进行评估。本文从环境政策评估的内涵着手,分析了我国进行环境政策评估的必要性,并借鉴政策科学的理论体系,指出环境政策评估中应当具有的一般过程。Abstract: Environment policies have been continually issued to solve the environment problems in China. It is necessary to appraise the policies for forecasting and proving the effects, and then establishing and improving these policies. From the aspect of meanings of the environment policy, this paper analyzes the necessity of environment policy appraisal, draws lessons from scientific system and points out current necessary procedures.