

Development of Chinese Forestry Graduate Education

  • 摘要: 本文在查阅大量文献资料的基础上对中国林科研究生教育的起源进行了追溯。同时对基础数据进行了统计分析,结合我国研究生教育的总体情况,并根据林科研究生教育规模的变化和林科研究生教育不同时期的特点,将其发展历程划分为4个阶段,并对每个阶段我国林科的发展概况、林科研究生教育概况和林科研究生教育学科领域特点进行了分析和总结。从中可以看出,林科研究生教育规模在一定程度上受我国研究生教育发展的影响,并与我国林业的发展紧密相关,同时,林科研究生教育始终服务于我国林业建设和林业科学研究,为林业事业做出了重大贡献。


    Abstract: Widely literature reviews are investigated to trace the origin of Chinese forestry graduate education. Based on basic data analysis, development course of Chinese forestry graduate education is divided into four stages according to its general situation, scale changing and features of different stages. Then, features of the subject fields, overview of forestry development and the forestry graduate education on each stage are analyzed and summarized. From the summarization we can see that the scale of forestry graduate education is affected by the development of Chinas graduate education, and closely related to Chinese forestry development. Serving the Chinese forestry construction and scientific research, it contributes a lot to forestry business.


