

Grass Culture in Chinese Traditional Culture

  • 摘要: 草遭践踏、火烧、吃食和刈割仍生生不息,这既是生命卑微的象征,又是生命力强的典范。草是人类利用历史最悠久的生活资料与生存环境,常用于形容原始的生活状态与低级的生存质量,也用于形容粗俗的行为或态度,因此常用于谦辞。绿草能造就赏心悦目的景色,但萋萋绿草能强化离愁,映衬出破败凄凉。人们从草的生态习性上领悟出“寸草春晖”等哲理,也在草身上寄予各种美好的希望,包括驻颜、益寿延年、长生不老等人生终极希望。


    Abstract: Being trampled, burned, eaten and mowed, grass has survived generation after generation. It has been used for a symbol as humble life as well as a model of strong vitality. Grass is a very important life material and living environment for human being with the longest history. It is often used to describe primitive living status, low existence quality, and sometimes used for rough behavior or attitude. Therefore, people often use this term expressing humility of themselves. Green grass can bring up pleasant scenery, but the luxuriant green grass can strengthen the grief of leaving, reflect the desolation after flourishing. From the ecology habit of grass,people comprehend philosophy such as parents love can hardly be returned by children. People also place some ultimate hopes on grass, such as evergreen and immortality.


