

Garden Culture of Ye City in Hebei Province during the Cao Wei Period

  • 摘要: 邺文化始于春秋齐桓公时期,其历史传承大致分为春秋战国时期、曹魏时期、十六国时期和隋唐以后等阶段。作为邺文化的鼎盛时期,曹魏时期邺城的城市园林数量之多、规模之大、造型之精美、环境之优雅,在我国园林建设史上有开创性意义。邺城建设中首次出现了中轴线对称布局和路网丁字交会的格局。当时的园林建筑高大雄伟、主题明确、特质清晰,特别是首创园林和军事防御工事一体的建筑模式、大规模大面积人造山水景观、独特的装饰风格和引入佛教思想,对后世园林文化的发展起到借鉴作用。


    Abstract: The culture of Ye began in the reign of Qihuangong, prince of the Qi State during the Spring and Autumn Period (770—476BC) and its development can be divided chronologically into such stages as the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods (770—221BC), the Cao Wei Period (220—265), the Sixteen States Period (340—439) and some periods after Sui and Tang Dynasties (581—?). The Ye City during the Cao Wei Period, as the golden age of the culture of Ye, had a benchmarking significance in Chinese garden history for its large number of gardens, large scales, delicate designs and elegant environment of gardens. The patterns of axis symmetry and road network crossing firstly emerged in the gardening of the Ye City. Garden architectures at that time were well known for tall and majestic buildings yet with clear themes and characteristics. In particular, the firstly appearing construction model that combined garden and military defense, the largescale artificial landscape, the special decoration style and the introduction of Buddhism had significant effects on the later development of garden culture.


