
吉林省国有林区森林抚育补贴试点调查分析基于4 个林业局101 户林业家庭调查

A Survey Study on the Experimental Forest Tending Subsidy at State-owned Forest Regions in Jilin Province: Based on the Survey of 101 Families of Forestry Workers from Four Forestry Bureaus

  • 摘要: 利用随机抽样的方法抽取吉林省森林工业集团总公司所属4 个林业局中101 户林业职工家庭,对其参与中 央财政森林抚育补贴试点情况进行问卷调查,内容包括政策知情、参与、执行、需求、评价及建议等。研究结果表 明,吉林省森林抚育试点的实施存在以下问题:抚育补贴标准偏低,专业技术薄弱,职工对抚育试点了解不够,抚育 任务下达时间紧、任务完成有困难。提出提高森林抚育补贴标准,加强营林人员技术培训,强化宣传教育等建议。


    Abstract: 101 families of forestry workers from four forestry bureaus of Jilin Province Forest Industry Group are randomly sampled for the survey study on the experimental forest tending subsidy offered by central finance. The research covered knowledge of policy, participation, implementation, demand, evaluation and suggestion, and resulted in graphs and tables concerning the situation of forest tending subsidy in Jilin Province. The finding shows that there still exist problems in the implementation of the experimental forest tending, such as low standards for tending subsidy, weak expertise, the workers爷 inadequate knowledge of the experimental forest tending, tough completion of the tending task caused by a tight schedule, in accordance with which this paper presents constructive suggestions.


