

The Cultivation History of Apple in China

  • 摘要: 苹果是我国一种古老的果树,迄今已有2 000 多年的栽培史,但是人们很少注意在不同的时期,苹果有不同 的品种和名称。早期栽培的苹果品种主要是原产我国新疆西部的种类,古人称之为柰和林檎,其中林檎是比较受 欢迎的种类。唐以后又增加了楸子、频婆果、海红等种类。频婆果可能是原产新疆的红肉苹果,其名称来源于佛 经,它是元代以后人们喜爱的种类,并被简称为苹果。19 世纪下半叶以来,我国栽培的主要是从西方引进的品 种,虽然仍叫苹果,但与历史上的苹果差别很大。与此同时,柰、林檎等名称也逐渐为人们所遗忘。由此案例研究 可看出,轻易地以今天的名称推断古代同名栽培植物是非常靠不住的。


    Abstract: Apple is an ancient fruit in China, with a cultivation history of more than 2 000 years. However, few people have recognized that in different historical periods there are different varieties and names of apple. According to relevant historical sources and archeological information, early apples planted in ancient China were mainly varieties originated in western Xingjiang, which were called Nai (Malus domestica subsp. Chinensis) and Linqin(Malus asiatica). The latter was more favored. Since the Tang Dynasty there appeared some new varieties of apple such as Qiuzi, Bimba, Haihong, and etc. Bimba is a red flesh apple (Malus pumila var. niedzwetzkyana)probably also originated in Xingjiang, whose name comes from the Buddhist sutras. It was favored by people after Yuan Dynasty, and was called Pingguoin short from the Ming Dynasty. Since the second half of 19th century, apples cultivated in China were mainly varieties introduced from western countries. Though with the same name of Pingguo, they were very different from those varieties in ancient China. Meanwhile, names such as Nai, Linqin, and etc, were forgotten gradually. From this case study, we can find that it is not reliable to deduce ancient cultivated plants according to those of the same names today.


