

The Border Forest of Song Dynasty

  • 摘要: 自古以来,中国就有利用森林树木构筑军事防御工程的传统。出于军事防御功能的需要,围绕着与辽、金、西 夏、吐蕃、大理等接壤的边境,宋王朝在河北、山西、陕西、甘肃、四川以及江淮、荆襄地区进行了大量森林植被的培 植和保护。从时间和覆盖的范围来看,两宋边防林的形成是宋王朝刻意经营的结果,边防林的建设与保护一直是 两宋国防政策的重要组成部分。虽然边防林的营建时断时续,但还是在一定程度上保护了两宋边防的安定,并对 边境百姓生活以及生态环境都产生了一些积极影响。


    Abstract: Since the ancient times, China has got the tradition of building military defense projects using forest trees. Because of the need for military defense capabilities around the borders with Liao, Jin, Western Xia, Tibetan,and Dali, the Song Dynasty did a lot to construct and protect the border forest in Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Gansu, Sichuan provinces, the area between the Yangtze and Huai rivers, and Jingxiang district. In view of the timing and scope,the border forest was found to be the result of deliberate management of the Song Dynasty, which regarded the policy of border forest as an important part of the national defense policy. Despite intermittent construction, the border forest still played an important role in the stability of the border, and had positive impacts on local peoples lives and ecological environment.


