
林农种植能源树种意愿的影响因素分析 以福建省建宁县为例

Influencing Factors of Farmers' Willingness to Construct Bio-energyForest:Taking Jianning County, Fujian Province as an Example

  • 摘要: 为探究林农种植能源树种意愿的影响因素及行为机理,基于福建省建宁县的调研数据,运用二分类Logistic 回归模型对林农种植能源树种意愿的影响因素进行了实证分析。研究结果表明,户主受教育程度、林地面积、林业 收入占家庭总收入比重、能源林建设预期对林农种植能源树种意愿具有显著影响。户主受教育程度越高、林地面 积越大、林业收入占家庭总收入比重越低、能源林建设预期更乐观的条件下,林农的种植意愿转化成种植行为的可 能性更大。因此,政府可以通过加大宣传、制订相关政策、提供种苗和种植培训等措施来降低林农参与的风险,稳 定林农的收入预期,以此创造激励林农种植能源树种的政策环境,提升林农的种植意愿。


    Abstract: Based on the survey data of Jianning County, Fujian Province, and using Binary Logistic Regression Model, this research explores the factors that influence the farmers'willingness to plant energy trees as well as their behavior mechanisms. The study shows that the education level of the household head, forest land area, the share of forest income in total family income, and expectations about bio- energy forest construction have significant effects. When the head of the household has a high level of education, the household has a large area of forest land, the level of forest income accounts little in the total family income and the farmers are optimistic about bio-energy forest construction, they are more likely to turn their planting willingness into planting behavior. Therefore the government should step up publicity, formulate relevant policies, and provide seedlings and planting training for farmers so as to stabilize their income expectation and reduce their participation risk. The creation of incentive policies can greatly enhance the farmers'participating willingness.


