
公私合营湿地保育制度初探 以香港丰乐围项目为例

First Exploration of Public and Private Partnership in Wetland Conservation:A Case Study in Fung Lok Wai

  • 摘要: 丰乐围项目是香港首例公私合营湿地保育制度的项目。在过去的20 年里,作为发展商长江实业(集 团)有限公司进行了数次努力,但该项目至今仍未动工。除了诸如鱼塘、噪音、鸟类、萤火虫等生态问题的干扰之 外,湿地私有化及公众的参与程度也成为摆在开发商和政府面前的一个棘手问题。2004 年香港政府公布了《新自 然保育政策》,鼓励商业机构与非营利机构合作建设12 个优先加强保育的地点,丰乐围所处后海湾区域就名列第 9。当外界正在质疑这种模式的成效时,丰乐围已成为比较受关注的保育区域。它的成效不仅对《新自然保育政 策》的贯彻实施有着深远的影响,也对中国湿地管理模式的创新带来考验。随着2013 年5 月丰乐围的合作伙 伴世界自然基金会的退出,丰乐围的问题更加令人深思。运用文献查阅法、景观设计分析法、对比分析法、演 绎推理法分析该项目的设计因素及商业因素,提出该项目迟迟未动工的根本原因,并认为私有土地合作和公众参 与对推动公私合营湿地保育制度具有重要作用。


    Abstract: ung Lok Wai is the precedent of public and private partnership scheme in wetland conservation in Hong Kong, whose developer tried its best in the past 20 years. Apart from some ecological problems like fishpond, noise, birds, and firefly, privatization of wetland and public participation have also become tough problems challenging the developer and the government. The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region launched New Nature Conservation Policyin 2004 to encourage cooperation between public and private sectors. The policy listed 12 prior sites to develop and Fung Lok Wai ranked the 9th among them. When others were questioning the effectiveness of public and private partnership in wetland conservation, Fung Lok Wai has gained great attention from both its fans and objectors. The success of Fung Lok Wai has great influence not only on political strategies in Hong Kong but also on wetland management in mainland China. With the drop-out of WWF in May of 2013, the story of Fung Lok Wai has reached the climax. This paper analyzes the design and commercial factors in this project, and puts forward the primary cause which has been delaying this scheme. Land privatization and public participation should be fully considered in wetland conservation, especially under the context of public and private partnership. This paper aims to provide a clear institutional reference for developers and government in Hong Kong as well as mainland China.


