
英文中含有 lily的相关原生物及名称辨析

Discrimination of Original Bionts Related with Lily and Analysis of Names Containing Lilyin English

  • 摘要: 植物名称及其所对应的原植物,在世界各国或地区均大量存在同名异物或同物异名的现象,极易造成混淆, 不可不辨。以lily为研究对象,利用http:椅scholar. google. com 和http:椅apps. web of knowledge. com 文献检索平 台,查询国内外使用lily作为关键词或主题词的文献,分别得到534 000 条和11 734 条检索信息,然而,以lilium 为关键词和主题词进行二级检索时,却只能得到27 000 条和6 087 条检索信息。在此基础上,对这些含有lily的 词或词组进行归类分析,结果显示:lily本意为百合属Lilium 植物,但是英文名称中含有lily的词或词组并非都 是百合,其代表的含义十分广泛,不仅包括百合科、秋海棠科、石蒜科、天南星科及人工杂交种等多种植物,而且在 某些动物名称中也含有lily。可见,含有lily的英文词或词组所代表的名称和原植物较多,而且十分复杂,在文 献检索以及相关研究中应注意区分。


    Abstract: In the matter of plant names and their corresponding original plants, there exist innumerous examples in the world that different plants share the same name or the same plant has different names, which would easily cause confusion. Thus it is necessary to discriminate them. This paper took the word lilyas the research object. When it was searched as a keyword and a subject word on 2 websites: http://scholar. google. com and http://apps. web of knowledge. com, 534 000 and 11 734 pieces of information were collected respectively. However, when the keyword and the subject word was changed to lilium, only 27 000 and 6 087 pieces of information were obtained respectively. Based on this, these words and phrases containing lilywere classified and analyzed. The results show that: lilyoriginally referred to genus Lilium plants, but the words and phrases containing lilyhave a very broad meaning, which not only just imply Lilium, but also refer to Begoniaceae, Amaryllidaceae, Araceae, new hybrid plants, etc. Even some animal names also contain this word. In conclusion, the word lilyis used widely and it is difficult to determine all terms containing it precisely. So, more attention should be paid when we use this word to make literature research and other related researches.


