

On the Composition Art of Building Images in Drawing of Forty Scenes in the Old Summer Palace

  • 摘要: 《圆明园四十景图咏》中所描绘的是圆明园当年最为著名的园林景观,各式各样精美的楼观、亭台、水榭、廊 桥与山川树木及流水行云等,经过画家巧妙组织,构成完美的山水园林画卷。从四十景图画面中的建筑形象构图 章法入手,剖析归纳景图中建筑形象在构图上的运用,分析了景图中的主体形象建筑在构图章法上所起到的 重要作用,并分别从显性动势构图、隐性动势构图、平行开放式构图、围抱闭合式构图等几方面分析了四十景图中 构图布局的方式及运用,总结了景图在构图章法上将楼观屋宇之间构成或有形或无形的动势连接线,曲直回转,变 化多端,与山水、林木、云烟巧妙组合,精心布局,使圆明园四十景图的每一幅画面构图颇具匠心,浑然天成。构图 的巧妙处理是《圆明园四十景图咏》成功的因素之一。


    Abstract: The Drawing of Forty Scenes in the Old Summer Palace depicts the most famous garden landscapes of the Old Summer Palace at that time, including different styles of pavilions, corridors, bridges, mountains and trees, rivers and clouds, etc. It is a perfect picture scroll of landscapes by gifted painters. This paper focuses on the composition art of building images in the drawing, generalizes the ways of using building images, and analyzes the key roles of them. This paper also illustrates the approaches of composition from different aspects, i. e. , the dominant dynamic composition, the recessive dynamic composition, the open parallel composition, and the closed-surrounding composition. Through the analysis, it finds that the tangible or intangible vivid curve lines between the building images are integrated smoothly into landscapes, trees, and clouds in various ways, so that each scene of the forty drawings is beautiful and natural. In conclusion, the ingenious composition of building images is one of the most important factors for the success of Drawing of Forty Scenes in the Old Summer Palace.


