

Analysis of the Willingness of Citizens in Beijing to Pay for the Community Gardens

  • 摘要: 市民农园利用郊区的自然生态环境,把农田划分为小块土地租给城市居民种菜,以体验农业为主要形式,具 有休闲、娱乐、游憩等功能,具有较大的开发价值。北京市作为国内都市农业的首发地区和经济发达城市,在城市 周边已经建立了很多市民农园,但市民农园市场潜力究竟有多大,目前还不十分清楚。依据2012 年810 月对 872 名北京市居民进行的问卷调查,采用意愿调查价值评估法(CVM)对市民农园的潜在价值进行估算。研究结果 显示:调查者对市民农园的平均支付意愿为1 002-62 元,期望租种土地的平均面积为38-80 m2 ,北京市居民总支付 意愿为123-01 亿元。相比目前市民农园的发展状况,北京市民农园具有广阔的发展前景,需采取各种有效措施, 进一步大力发展,使市民农园的潜在价值能够得到更充分的发挥。


    Abstract: A community garden is a plot of farmland in the suburban area, which can be leased to city residents to grow vegetables. It takes advantages of the natural environment in suburbs, and allows people to experience farm work. Community gardens can also provide leisure, entertainment, recreation, and otherfunctions. As a prior urban agricultural area and a developed city,Beijing has developed many community gardens around the city. However, the market potential of community gardens has not been clearly studied yet. Based on the survey of 872 residents in Beijing from August to October 2012, and by means of contingent valuation method (CVM), this paper estimates the potential value of Beijing爷s community gardens. The results show that the average amount of money that people in Beijing are willing to pay for community gardens is 1002-62 RMB per person; the average area that people tend to rent is 38-80 m2 per person; and the total amount of money that people in Beijing are willing to pay is 12-301 billion RMB. Compared with the current situation, the development prospect of Beijing爷s community gardens is promising. Effective measures should be taken to fully realize the potential value of Beijing爷s community gardens.


