

Landscape Construction of Springs in Xiling Seal Society

  • 摘要: 从西泠印社的理水艺术泉池景观入手,创新性地从地质构成因素阐述了孤山及西泠印社泉池的成因及 分布状况,并通过对古今文献的整理和归纳,对其历史脉络进行梳理。在实证内容上,结合园林的造景手法、理水 艺术等,重点分析了西泠印社泉池景观的整体布局、单体空间营造等方面的景观特色,期望能够将其理水艺术的各 种技法,吸收、融入当今园林的水景设计中,使其更加充分地展现出古为今用的魅力。


    Abstract: Starting from the waterscape design, namely the landscape of springs in Xiling Seal Society, this paper analyzes the causes and distribution of springs in Gushan and Xiling Seal Society innovatively based on the elements of geological structure. Additionally, its historical context is also sorted out through the collection and categorization of ancient and modern literatures about the springs. Based on the empirical contents and considering, the gardening art and landscape design, this paper also analyzes the landscape features of the overall layout, monomer space building and other aspects in Xiling Seal Society. It is expected that through the analysis of springs landscape in Xiling Seal Society above, the various techniques of its waterscape design could be absorbed and integrated into today's gardening waterscape design successfully, which could fully show the charm of adapting ancient forms for present-day use.


