Aesthetics in the Construction of Beijing Milu Park
摘要: 北京大兴南海子麋鹿苑博物馆,即北京麋鹿苑,又称北京麋鹿生态实验中心、北京生物多样性保护研究中心, 在自然景观建设、科普设施建造、人文理念传播、科研工作实施等各个方面展示着美学的理念,形成了独具特色的 美学风格。运用美学的原理和理论探讨麋鹿苑博物馆在建设中各个环节的美学价值:通过适宜麋鹿生存的环境建 设,营建郊野公园的生态氛围;通过历史建筑风格及深入挖掘麋鹿文化内涵等,营造历史文化氛围;通过多种科普 互动教育形式,传达美学信息,使观众产生审美愉悦;通过开展科研工作,对博物馆展示主体深入研究,构筑科学美 和技术美。从麋鹿苑博物馆展陈、展示形式及内容等方面,探讨观众的审美意识和审美心理。Abstract: Beijing Nanhaizi Milu Park Museum, commonly called Beijing Milu Park, is also known as Beijing Milu Ecological Research Center or Beijing Biodiversity Conversation Research Center. The concepts of aesthetics are manifested in the construction of nature landscape and popular science facilities, the spread of humanistic philosophy and scientific research works, which form a unique aesthetic style. The aesthetic values of all aspects in the construction of Beijing Milu Park are explored based on the principles and theories of aesthetics: creating the ecological ambiance of suburban park through the construction of the proper environment for milu( Pere David's deer) , creating historical and cultural ambiance through the historical style of constructions and by exploring the cultural connotations of Milu; producing aesthetic pleasure among the visitors through diversified popular science education; creating the beauty of science and technology through scientific research and further study of exhibited objects. The aesthetic sense and psychology of the visitors are discussed based on the styles and contents of exhibition in Beijing Milu Park.