Export Enterprises to EU Timber Regulation
摘要: 为抑制世界范围内的非法采伐活动,美国、欧盟和澳大利亚等国家和地区纷纷出台针对非法采伐的贸易法 案,禁止非法采伐的木材和木制品的生产和贸易。欧美是我国林产品出口的主要市场,如何应对国际市场的木材 合法性贸易要求是我国木材行业面临的巨大挑战。在文献研究和定性分析的基础上,对中国企业应对欧盟木材法 案的可选途径进行了疏理,分析了各种途径优缺点和适用范围,其中建立企业内部的供应链管理及尽职调查体系 是基础,开展森林认证、合法性验证在现实条件下是较为可行的选择。为此,建议企业应在有关科研机构和部门的 支持下,加强自身供应链管理和能力建设;政府应加强木材来源及采伐运输加工管理,建立木材合法性认证体系, 并积极加强相关领域的国际合作。Abstract: To inhibit the illegal logging around the world, the trade acts to prohibit the production and trade of illegally logged timbers and products have been issued by American, EU and Australian government. As Europe and America are the key markets for the exported forestry products from China, it's a great challenge for Chinese companies to react to these international requirements of legal timber product trade. Based on literature review and qualitative analysis, the options for Chinese companies were sorted, and their advantages, disadvatatages and scopes are analysed. It is found that establishing the management of enterprise internal supply chain and due diligence system is the basis, and conducting third-party forest certification or legality verification is the most feasible way to meet the market requirements of international timber laws under current situations. Therefore it's suggested that the enterprises should strengthen the management of supply chain and capacity building with supports from relevant research institutes and organizations, and government should strengthen the administration on wood source, harvesting, transportation and processing, as well as establish the wood legality verification system and expand the international cooperations in the area.