

Analysis on International Competitiveness of China's Paper Industry

  • 摘要: 产业竞争力最终体现在产品、企业及产业的市场掌控能力。迈克尔波特在钻石模型中指出了影响产业 竞争力的五类因素,即进入壁垒、替代品威胁、买方及卖方议价能力和现存竞争者。造纸产业是国民经济的基础行 业,是林业产业的重要组成部分。在分析中国造纸产业发展现状的基础上,运用国际市场占有率、显示性比较优势 指数和贸易竞争指数,测算中国造纸行业国际竞争力。结合波特五力模型,分析了中国造纸产业的国际竞争环境。 研究结果表明,中国正经历从不具备比较优势到具有比较优势的转变期,但是在国际同行业竞争中仍处于相对不 利的位置,主要表现为行业进入壁垒较低、对供应商和购买商的议价能力较差、存在较大的产业竞争压力、替代品 的威胁开始显现,最后针对结论提出相关建议。


    Abstract: Competitiveness of an industry is reflected ultimately by the market control abilities of products, enterprises and industry. Michael Porter pointed out five factors impacting industrial competitiveness in the diamond model, namely barriers to entry, threat of substitutes, buyers and sellers' bargaining power and existing competitors. Paper industry is an important part of national economy and an important component of forestry industry. Based on the analysis of current status of China's paper industry, this paper calculates international competitiveness of China 's paper industry through international market share, comparative advantage index and trade competiveness index. Using Five- Force model, this paper analyzes international competition environment of China's paper industry. The results show that China is undergoing a transition to having a comparative advantage, but it is still in a relatively disadvantaged position in international competition, whith is reflected in low barriers to entry, the poor bargaining power of suppliers and buyers, fierce industry competition and the appearance of the threat of substitutes. This paper also puts forward proposals based on the research results.


