森林文化论文集之一: 民国初年的林政论析
On Forestry Administration in Early Republic of China
摘要: 民国初年是中国林政的重要转型期。当时对林业重要作用的认识及西方林业思想的引进、林务机关的设 立、相关民间社团组成、一系列森林法规颁布, 都着意于生态环境的建设, 并掀起了一场兴林热潮。尽管这场热潮 因种种原因, 不过十年便衰退了下去, 收效也甚微, 但民初的林政在制度的设计和运作的机制上, 有其合理之处。 而且, 出现了一批优秀的林业科技工作者, 筚路蓝缕, 功不可没。只因政治环境不佳, 其理想未能实现。可见, 政治 环境与生态环境之间, 关系甚大。Abstract: The period of early Republic of China was an important transition period in China' s forestry administration,during which there appeared an upsurge in the perception of forestry functions, the introduction of the western forestry concepts, the establishment of forestry management organizations or related nongovernmental bodies, and the issuing of a series of forest laws or regulations, all focusing on the ecosystem construction. While the upsurge faded after some ten years with little effects owing to various reasons, the forestry administration in this period has some rational points in system design and operation mechanism. Besides, a group of excellent forestry scientists and technicians emerged at the same time. They endured great hardships in poineer work and made their contributions to the development of forestry though their dreams didn' t come true because of poor political environment. It follows that the ecological environment is closely related to the political one.