

The Pacific Science Congress and Its Influences on the Progress of Science during the Period of the Republic of China

  • 摘要: 20 世纪20 年代太平洋科学会议兴起,旨在联合太平洋地区的国家开展资源调查和保护等,增进太平洋沿岸 人民的友谊。欧美国家及亚洲太平洋沿岸的一些国家或地区均成为永久组织太平洋科学协会的会员,并实行轮流 举办制。中华民国自第三次东京会议开始正式参加该会,并争取到会员国地位。中国科学家积极参与该会的资源 调查和研究,在林学、气象学等科学研究上获得国际同行的认可。通过参加该会,推进了中国科学体制化的进程, 并对当时中国地质学、植物学、海洋学等地方科学的发展起到了极大的促进作用。同时,国际科学界的新思潮如天 然纪念物保护也传入中国。


    Abstract: The Pacific Science Congress was born in the 1920s. It aimed at uniting the countries around the Pacific Ocean to explore and protect the natural resources as well as to promote the friendship of the people in the Pacific Rim. Some European countries, America, and Asian countries and regions in the Pacific Rim became the members of the Pacific Science Association and take turns to host the congress. The Republic of China attended the congress since the third conference in Tokyo and won the membership. The Chinese scientists took part in the exploration and research of the natural resources actively and were acknowledged in forestry and meteorology fields by scientists in other countries. By participating in this conference, the process of China's scientific institutionalization was accelerated, which played a great role in promoting the development of geology, botany and oceanography in China. Moreover, some new thoughts of the international scientific community such as natural monument protection was introduced into China.


