

On the Origin of the Connection Between the Willow and Waist in Tang Poetry

  • 摘要: 对柳腰这一中国古代诗歌中的传统意象关联的起源和发展进行梳理,重点探讨唐代诗歌中大量出现柳 腰意象的原因。认为唐代女子的服装和舞蹈容易展现细腰,而与文人交往密切的歌舞妓更是能展现细腰。柳树 在唐代的公共场所和私家园林多有种植。细腰的常见和柳树的广泛种植,是产生柳腰意义模式的必要条件;而 唐代送别场合、宫廷和文人集宴上, 柳和腰的同时在场,娼家门前普遍的柳树种植,这些是产生柳腰的充 分条件。在唐代,尤其是中晚唐,这些条件刚好同时成立,这便促使柳和腰这两种事物在唐代诗歌中被频频 联系在一起。


    Abstract: The willow and female waist have often been linked together in traditional Chinese poetry. This article tries to sort out the origin and development of this imaginary linkage, particularly its frequent appearance in Tang Poetry. The author holds that the dress styles and dance of Tang women easily revealed their slim waist and the large number of singer-dancers who closely associated with literati made slim waist a common presence. Willow trees were widely planted in Tang Dynasty, both in the public sphere and in private gardens. The common view of slim waist and the wide plantation of willow trees constituted the prerequisite conditions for the advent of this imaginary linkage. Moreover, the simultaneous presence of willows and waists at parting occasions, royal banquets and literati gatherings forms the necessary condition for the advent of this imaginary linkage. In Tang, particularly middle and late Tang, these conditions were fulfilled at the same time, which facilitated the frequent linkage of the two objects of the willow and the waist in Tang poetry.


