

Analysis on Ornamental Characteristics of Spring Woody Flowering Plants in Beijing Urban Parks

  • 摘要: 对北京地区38 个公园绿地的春季观花木本植物的个体观赏特征及整体景观特色进行了调查与分析,结果表 明:北京城市公园绿地中应用的春季观花木本植物有70 余种,全部为落叶树种,以观花灌木种类为最多,体现了暖 温带落叶阔叶林区域的地域性;应用频度超过80%的春季观花木本植物有15 种,以寓意美好的传统花木为主,而 应用频度超过40%的春季观花木本植物仅有28 种,仍有大量春季观花植物需要推广;花期时序分布以四月份最为 集中且重叠性较高;花色以白色系、红色系及黄色系为主。显著的花相、艳丽的色彩和集中的花期构成了北京春季 植物景观繁花景象和色彩冲击力的基础。


    Abstract: In this study, the ornamental features of the individual plants and the overall landscape characteristics of spring woody flowering plants in 38 Beijing parks were surveyed and analyzed. The results reveal that there are more than 70 species of spring woody flowering plants in Beijing parks, and all of them are deciduous trees which are mainly shrub species with ornamental flowers. This reflects the regional characteristics of deciduous broadleaf forest in warm temperate zone. There are 15 species of spring woody flowering plants whose application frequency is more than 80%, and they are mainly traditional woody flowers carrying positive and nice associations. Only 28 species'application frequency is over 40%, which means that a large number of other spring flowering plants need to be popularized in Beijing parks. The temporal distribution of flowering is mostly concentrated in April with a high level of overlapping. The flower colors are mainly white, red and yellow. Remarkable floral appearance, showy colors and concentrated flowering time form the basis of intense flowering scene and color impact in Beijing spring plant landscape.


