
REDD+ 非碳效益类型识别及激励方式研究

On Approaches of Identifying and Incentivizing Non-carbon Benefits in REDD+

  • 摘要: REDD+ 非碳效益对确保REDD+ 行动效果的可持续性起着重要的作用。与REDD+ 非碳效益相关的议题 已经成为《联合国气候变化框架公约》REDD+ 机制谈判的主要议题。围绕REDD+ 非碳效益议题谈判中各缔约方 讨论的焦点,从UNFCCC 缔约方会议关于REDD+ 活动非碳效益的决定、REDD+ 非碳效益定义、非碳效益与REDD+ 活动类型、实施区域,以及资金分配之间的关系等方面,分析了REDD+ 非碳效益类型与REDD+ 国家战略的关系。 提出了根据国家发展状况确定土地利用变化驱动力、根据国家需求识别优先发展区域以及根据优先发展区域特点 筛选活动类型等识别国家非碳效益类型的方法和基于活动阶段和国情的激励非碳效益的方式;并结合我国的国 情,提出了将非碳效益纳入我国REDD+ 国家战略、由实施国自行确定非碳效益类型、强调非碳效益相对于安全保 障原则的额外性、提供方法学指南等我国参与REDD+ 非碳效益议题谈判的建议。


    Abstract: The non-carbon benefits in REDD+ play a vital role in ensuring sustainable effects of REDD+ activities. The issue related to non-carbon benefits in REDD+ has become the main topic of REDD+ negotiation under UNFCCC. In this article the relationships between the types of non-carbon benefits and the national strategies of REDD+ are analyzed, focusing on the major topics discussed by related parties in the negotiations for non-carbon benefits in REDD+ , which include the decisions on non-carbon benefits of REDD+ activities in UNFCCC, the definitions of non-carbon benefits, as well as the relations between non-carbon benefits and factors of the types of REDD+ activities, the target geographical areas of REDD+ activities, and the allocation of REDD+ investment. On this basis, this paper puts forward the approaches to identify the types of non-carbon benefits at national level, including determining the drives for land use change based on the status of national development, identifying prior development regions from national demands, and selecting types of REDD+ activities according to the characteristics of prioritized regions; and the approaches to incentivize non-carbon benefits in accordance with the phases of activities and China's national condition. With reference to China's situations, we also present several suggestions for China to participate in the negotiation of REDD+ non-carbon benefits, such as integrating non-carbon benefit into the REDD + national strategy, safeguarding national sovereignty, emphasizing the additionality of non-carbon benefits versus the principle of safety and security, and providing the methodological guide.


