

An Analysis of Embodied Carbon in the Sino-US Trade of Woody Forest Products

  • 摘要: 在世界环境问题日益严峻的情况下,低碳经济的观念逐渐深入人心,随着中美木质林产品贸易规模的不断扩 大,木质林产品的碳排放问题逐渐受到各国的关注。分析了中美两国木质林产品的贸易现状,从隐含碳的角度,运 用投入产出法估算出近10 年来中美两国木质林产品贸易中的隐含碳排放量,并运用对数平均迪氏指数法对木质 林产品贸易碳排放的影响因素进行分析。经对比发现,中美木质林产品贸易存在的隐含碳排放主要是由于贸易结 构不合理、生产技术不先进、减排力度不均衡、缺乏国际合作等问题导致。提出了调整进出口结构、积极推进节能 减排发展、加强国际合作等政策建议。


    Abstract: As the environmental problems in the world become more and more serious, the concept of low-carbon economy has been rooted deeply in people's minds. With the constant expanding of the Sino- US trade of woody forest products, the issue of carbon emission has caught attention in both countries. In this paper, we analyze the current trade situation of woody forest products in both China and USA. Then from the perspective of embodied carbon, we estimate the embodied carbon emission of recent 10 years in the trade of woody forest products between two countries using input-output method, and analyze the factors affecting the carbon emission in the trade of woody forest products using the method of Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index (LMDI) to analyze the factors. After comparison, we find that the emission of embodied carbon in the Sino-US trade of woody forest products mainly results from the problems such as the unreasonable trade structure, inferior production technologies, unbalanced intensity of emission reduction, and the lack of international cooperation. Accordingly we give policy suggestions of adjusting trade structure, actively promoting energy conservation and emission reduction, and strengthening international cooperation.


