

A Study on Persian Gardens from the Perspective of Cultural Landscape

  • 摘要: 伊斯兰园林是世界三大园林体系之一, 主要包括波斯伊斯兰园林、西班牙伊斯兰园林和印度伊斯兰园林等。波斯伊斯兰园林是伊斯兰园林的源头和重要组成部分, 具有重要研究价值, 但目前缺少相关研究。以波斯花园世界遗产为研究对象, 分析其历史发展和概况。在此基础上, 从构建体系、整体布局、水系、园林植物、建筑等方面研究了波斯花园独特的风景园林特征。进而基于文化景观的视角, 研究了波斯花园的文化景观属性及其主要价值和影响, 并分析了波斯花园对我国风景园林的启示与思考。通过系统研究波斯花园, 对丰富和补充伊斯兰园林的相关研究具有重要意义。


    Abstract: Islamic landscape architecture or Islamic garden, which dominatingly spreads in Iran, Spain and India, is one of the three systems of landscape architecture in the world.As the source and major contents of Islamic landscape architecture, Islamic landscape architecture or Islamic garden of Persian style is of important research significance while the relevant researches at present are scarce.The development history and summary of Persian gardens were analyzed by having the world heritage of Persian gardens as research cases in this paper.The unique characteristics of Persian gardens were studied from the aspects of construction system, overall layout, waters, landscape plants and architecture.Further, its cultural landscape attributes, major values and influences were presented from the perspective of cultural landscape, and their enlightenments for landscape architecture in China were discussed.The paper is of important reference value for current scarce researches on Islamic landscape architecture of Persian styles and of significance for enriching relevant researches on Islamic landscape architecture.


