

A Century-old Investigation of the Communist Party of China Leading Farmers to Participate in Rural Construction from the Perspective of Agricultural and Rural Modernization

  • 摘要: 农业农村现代化是中国式现代化的重点和难点,也是实施乡村振兴战略的总目标,中国共产党领导农民广泛、深度参与乡村建设有助于推动农业农村现代化进程。通过梳理中国共产党成立以来领导农民参与乡村建设的演变历程,总结基本经验,为有效发挥农民在农业农村现代化进程中的主体作用提供有益借鉴。中国共产党领导农民参与乡村建设的演变历程可以以中华人民共和国成立、十一届三中全会召开、2006年国家全面取消农业税以及党的十九大提出实施乡村振兴战略为关键节点,划分为动员农民自愿参与、组织农民投工投劳参与、缴纳“一税两费”全面参与、贯彻一事一议筹资筹劳参与、探索农民主体参与等5个阶段。在中国共产党领导农民参与乡村建设的百年历程中,始终坚持中国共产党的领导、重视农民主体地位,统筹减轻农民负担和增加农村建设投入、重视农民意愿,把“三农”发展放在乡村建设首位、重视结果导向。在未来引导农民积极参与乡村建设中,应加强党的领导、稳固农村基层党组织的把向地位,合理引导农民参与、逐步夯实农民参与乡村建设的主体地位,紧扣时代发展主题、强化农民参与乡村建设的目标管理。


    Abstract: Agricultural and rural modernization is the focus and difficulty of Chinese-style modernization, and it is also the general goal of implementing the rural revitalization strategy. The Communist Party of China leads farmers to participate extensively and deeply in rural construction, which will help promote the process of agricultural and rural modernization. Sorting out the process of leading farmers to participate in rural construction and summarizing the basic experience will provide a useful reference for effectively playing the main role of farmers in the agricultural and rural modernization. The evolution process of the Communist Party of China leading farmers to participate in rural construction can be based on the founding of the People's Republic of China, the convening of the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, the national abolition of agricultural tax in 2006, and the implementation of the "rural revitalization strategy" proposed by the Nineteenth National Congress as key nodes.It can be divided into five stages: mobilizing farmers to participate voluntarily, organizing farmers to participate in labor, levying one tax and two fees for full participation, implementing "one case one discussion", participating in fund-raising and labor raising, and exploring farmers' participation.During the 100-year history of the Communist Party of China leading farmers to participate in rural construction, we have formed the basic experience of always abiding by the leadership of the Communist Party of China, attaching importance to the main role of farmers, making overall plans to reduce farmers' burdens and increasing investment in rural construction, paying attention to farmers' wishes, and placing "three rural" (namely, agriculture, rural areas and rural residents) development in rural construction. In guiding farmers to actively participate in rural construction in the future, it is necessary to strengthen the leadership of the party, consolidate the leading position of rural grass-roots party organizations, reasonably guide farmers to participate, and gradually consolidate the main role of farmers in rural construction, closely follow the development theme of the times, and strengthening the target management of farmer's participation in rural construction.


