

The Rise of Cli-Fi and Its Theoretical Dimensions

  • 摘要: 全球气候变化属于美国生态哲学家蒂莫西·莫顿所提的“超级物”,因其超越一般时间、空间的巨大尺度而难以为普通人直观地进行在地化观察。气候小说正是在这样的背景下应运而生,将科学界惯于使用的数据、图表等难以具体呈现的全球气候变化以直观的方式呈现给读者,使不可想象变得可以想象。从创作特点来看,气候小说显然具有关注所有物种及整个生态系统的生态视角,同时具有关怀全人类的世界主义文学倾向和关注女性的女性主义维度。气候小说自21世纪初兴起以来获得了公众和学术界日渐广泛的关注,是生态文学的最新动向。


    Abstract: The American ecocriticist Timothy Morton defines global climate change as a hyperobject, which cannot be directly and locally observed by common people because of its super large space-time scale. Climate Fiction (Cli-Fi) came into being against this backdrop, showing to its audience what cannot be intuitively presented by data and graphs often used in science, making imaginable the unimaginable. Besides its ecocritic perspective for all species and the entire ecosystem, Cli-Fi also embodies cosmopolitan and feminist dimensions. As the latest development of eco-literature, Cli-Fi has drawn wide public and academic attention since its rise in the early 2000s.


