The Construction of China's Silviculture Standard System
Graphical Abstract
Silviculture standards play an important role in the forestry standardization construction.
However, until now China has not established its silviculture standard system and few researches have
been done in this aspect. By analyzing the situation of present silviculture standardization and the
characteristics of silviculture in China, this paper proposes principles and methods for its silviculture
standard system and the construction of a standard system, which contains six sub-systems: foundations of
silviculture standard sub-system, prophase planning standard sub-system, artificial afforestation standard
sub-system, tending mangagement sub-system, harvesting and updating sub-system and the sub-system
concerning other matters. Finally, it puts forward some ideas and suggestions for China's forest cultivation
standardization in the future, which include building comprehensive database and matching management
system etc.